Docter and Patient

Masaaki Mitsuyasu
2 min readFeb 1, 2020


Patient(P): Docter, please honestly tell me what kind of diseases I have. When can I go back home? How much time do I have left to live?
Docter(D): I told you about it yesterday. It is pretty straightforward. You do not need to come to the hospital.
P: But, I could not sleep a wink last night. I stayed up all night as if I was troubled with nightmares. I must have insomnia.
D: I see.
P: And, I have had no appetite at dinner every day. I don’t want to eat anything, and I was eating whatever my mother cooked before, though. I must have a severe illness. Oh my God.
D: I got it. I have a few questions. Can I ask you?
P: Sure.
D: Where were you at around 3 PM every day?
P: Uhh, I always was in the waiting room watching TV because it is the only place where there is a TV.
D: I’ve received claims from other patients and nurses about your snoring.
P: Ah, the place was best for me to take a nap.
D: Did you know that a new chicken fast food shop just opened?
P: Yes, I do. It is so delicious, and I recommend it. You should stop in if you have time.
D: When I checked out your room, I found a lot of paper wrappers in the shop.
P: Ah, yes, I ate some food after the nap.
D: I’ll give you a diagnosis. It would be best if you did not eat anything before dinner, and you do not have to take a nap until you go to bed at around 11 PM. That’s it. Go home!

