Who Is He?

Masaaki Mitsuyasu
4 min readDec 21, 2020


As the director of a hospital entered the patient’s room, he got grouchy. The cause of his anger was the man who was standing near the window. This man had been brought to the hospital two months ago because of a severe car accident. At first, he was unconscious. After a month of treatment, he had returned to consciousness. However, he had lost his memory. He had forgotten not only where he lived but also his name. He was fine now, but he did not understand himself. One day, he spent the whole day standing looking out the window.
“How is he?” the director asked another doctor who was standing next to him.
“He is getting better, but he still doesn’t know who he is.”
“Is he still staying here?”
“Yes, but we don’t know anything about him.”
“Who pays his medical expenses for him? We need more space. Kick him out!” the director exclaimed with annoyance.
“We cannot force him out,” the doctor yelled.
“Then give him a job. A janitor would be enough, right?”
“But he is a patient.”
“Food is earned, not given!”
Then the director left the room and shut the door.

“Clean up the bathroom?”
The patient was so confused as he stood in front of the bathroom. The doctor nodded.
“I have to apologize to you. You are a patient. You don’t need to do it, but it is a fact that you cannot pay your hospital costs. We need to have you work here in the hospital.”
“No problem. It’s good for me. I was bored every day.”
He started cleaning the bathroom.

The man worked day after day. When someone greeted him, he always replied with a smile, “I’m OK. I enjoy working.” On the top floor next to the new building, the doctor watched him from a meeting room while he was mopping. His assistant doctor brought two cups of coffee and watched him, too.
“He must be a good worker, right?”
“I think so, too.” The doctor took a cup of coffee.
“I was surprised to hear that he isn’t receiving any wages.”
“What do you mean?”
“Indeed, but there’s nothing we can do about it. The patient cannot pay his hospital bills at the moment. He has to stay here until he can pay for everything,” his assistant replied sadly.
The doctor got frustrated and argued about the patient’s unfair situation in the hospital when the director approached them.
“Director,” the doctor called to him. “Do you have some time? I want to ask you a question.”
He stopped and stared at the doctor. “Briefly.”
“I believe that you should give him wages because he works so hard every day.”
“Do you mean that guy, our new janitor?”
“He is our patient.”
“I don’t need to pay him wages because I have permitted him to stay here until he pays his debts.”
“But…” The doctor wanted to oppose his opinion. However, as if interrupting the conversation, the director said “I will listen to your opinion later. I’m busy now, and I have a meeting.” The director left.

In the meeting room, a news program was being broadcast on TV. A news anchor announced, “Next topic…”
The vice-director watched it and was surprised by what he saw on the screen.
“I think I know this person. Ah! Now I’ve got it.”
He was running down the corridor, carrying a newspaper. He entered the director’s room. The director was doing paperwork at his desk when the vice-director came in all of a sudden.
“Director! It’s a terrible thing,” the vice-director exclaimed.
“What happened?” Annoyed, he stopped writing.
The vice-director put the paper on his desk and said “Please read this. It is about the patient.” He was a little excited.
“Oh, you found out about him, did you? It’s good news. That means we don’t need to pay him an extra fee.” The director looked happy.
“I know, but you must know who he is.”
“What do you mean?”
He pointed out the picture of the man in the newspaper.
“This man is a rich person. He is the son of a politician. He must be that patient.”
“What!?” The director took the newspaper and read it.
“It is about a rich person. He is similar to the patient in age, appearance, and when he disappeared.”
The director fell silent and stood up as soon as he heard this.

The director ordered the patient to meet him in one of the private rooms in the hospital. He stood there confused inside the private room. It was bigger than his room. Behind him, the director spoke to him politely as if he was a gentleman.
“We have to apologize to you. We made mistakes. Please use this room.”
“But I don’t have any money.”
“Don’t worry. It’s OK. You can use everything here.”
“You must be mistaken. I don’t understand this. Anyway, l will start work.”
The director interrupted him. “You don’t need to.”
“Seriously? I can’t believe it.”
“I can’t believe it either.”

Meanwhile, the doctor and his assistant were watching them through a surveillance camera at the nursing station.
“Wow, he was the son of someone important. Appearances can be deceiving.”
His assistant was shocked.
“To tell you the truth, he is not the son of anyone important.”
“What?” The doctor’s assistant was surprised.
“They have received an old newspaper. Information always updates.”
The doctor showed him his smartphone. An article said that the politician’s son had been found. This incident had happened a few years ago. He had wanted to fool the director and the vice-director for what they did to his patient.
“He needs a rest. It’s good for him.”
The assistant doctor asked him curiously, “By the way, who is he?”
The doctor said with a smile, “I don’t know. But the patient is special to someone.”

